Home Personal FinanceSaving Money Make High Electricity Prices A Thing Of The Past

Make High Electricity Prices A Thing Of The Past

by Dave

If you are looking to get the best possible electricity prices for your household, there are several things you can do to help you on your way.

In this blog I discuss several considerations to have in mind, from simply doing your bit round the house, to shopping around for the best possible deal.

Shop Around and Switch Things Up

Many people think it is overly complicated, but switching providers regularly is one of the simpler options when it comes to cutting electricity prices.

Look out for the best deal on the market when your current deal is coming to an end. Specifically, you want to time it so you can reap any bonuses such as annual discounts and avoid any early leaver penalties. Therefore, knowing the ins and outs of your current contract is essential, so do a bit of research there first, before you even start to shop around for other deals.

Still Getting A Paper Bill? – Stop Now!

Another simple option is to change the way you pay, this can often help cut down electricity prices even if it is only by a few pounds – especially if you currently pay by cash or cheque.

Go paperless and look online to see what special online only deals are available.

Can the Government Help?

It is well in your interest to investigate the Government schemes available to see if there is any way you can seek a subsidy. The Green Deal is open to all so see if there is anything under that scheme that would be useful for your home.

The general Government website is quite informative, but you may want to give your local authority a call to see if it offers regional specific deals that you might be able to investigate instead.

If All Else Fails Pull Your Finger Out Around the House

Of course, if you cannot be bothered with the aggro of changing providers – although, it will save you money as already outlined – then you can instead look to cut electricity prices yourself by, you know, using less of it!

Of course, that is often easier said than done in these days of smartphones, tablets, game machines and computers, but simple steps can certainly help.

Using energy plugs, energy saving lightbulbs, and just generally being more conscious of your energy usage are just some of the ways of helping to cut down on electricity use.

Many firms are also able to provide smart meters designed to indicate energy usage, so if your son or daughter disappears off to university and the meter records a drop in power usage, you can then probe them as to what exactly they are using to drain all your electricity when they show up again during the holidays.

Although we probably all know the answer will be TV, Xbox etc., we can at least show them tangible proof on its energy use, hoping they think of dear old mum n dad and cut down on playing the latest Shooting Duty 9 game.

Getting the cheapest possible electricity prices for your home is not rocket science, it just means a bit of commitment on your part. Take the time to do a little research into the various tariffs available.

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