Home Personal FinanceMaking Money How my hobby helps me to raise extra money

How my hobby helps me to raise extra money

by Dave

Earning money from your hobby is something that everyone can, and many do. I turned my hobby into a way of raising a little extra money a few years ago, although it is not a job now, and was not initially planned.

My hobby is photography. I started my photography blog way back in 2007, and while I made up for a lack in skill with tons of enthusiasm I improved over the years to a point where I now consider myself to be rather good! I never used to have much confidence in my skills as I am extremely self-critical but decided to try my hands at stock photography. After reading a few books and lots of internet forums I decided to have a go and was delighted to sell some photos. I did not sell many, but some fetched $240 or so, although the image library took half of that as commission. I was still chuffed to bits though; I even had an image in Best magazine.

Stock photography is something that everyone can have a go at. It is a numbers game though and there are lots of people also trying to sell their photos. While it may not make you a living, you can see it as at least a financial bonus.

I never made a fortune but was able to upgrade some of my equipment from the sales that I made, which helped me grow in confidence. It was then that I decided to begin to build myself as a brand, without selling anything. This was purely to lay the foundations for anything that may develop in the future. As a professional at SEO and inbound marketer I soon started to appear on the front page of search engines for lots of different keywords.

It was then that I started to get approached by people, be it to enquire whether I photographed weddings or sold prints, artists ask to paint my photos and some even asked if I offered work experience! Even after not posting on my photo blog much during my daughter’s illness I still get regular enquiries about prints so have decided to finally begin to build a store as part of my sites rebuild. I do not know how many prints I will sell, but I must give it a go right?

Lots of you are specialists at your hobbies, and many have the potential to supplement your income. The biggest question is do you want it to? I know in my case, I would like to be quite romantic about it and continue to photograph what I want and still get paid, but it does not always work like that. If any of you work at National Geographic and want to offer me a job though, I will be right there!


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